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5 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

While there’s no magic formula that can keep you from getting sick, there is a lot you can do to build up your body’s...

Cardio or Strength First?

As you get ready to work out, do you find yourself wondering where to start? Is it best to start with cardio or stren...

10 Small Steps That Lead to a Healthier You

Spring is upon us. Health should always be a priority, but it’s easy to lose sight of health goals with the daily gri...

Staying Fit and Healthy in College

There are plenty of cliches about how unhealthy college students can be. From the “Freshman 15” to ideas of excessive...

Get Started with TRX Suspension Training

You may have heard of TRX suspension training, or maybe you saw some odd looking straps dangling in your friend’s hom...

Barbells or Dumbbells?

In the past, many considered strength training as only for the young and strong. Misconceptions circulated that hitti...

Date Night Workout

Getting in shape is more fun with a partner, but can you really blend date night with a solid workout? Absolutely! Wh...

Should Women Lift Weights?

Women who strength train have more confidence, better focus, and increased energy. Weightlifting has been shown to re...

Healthy Home Meals

Since the 1960s, the number of American households that prepare meals at home has dropped by 30 percent. About half o...

10 Tips for Fitness Resolutions

We’ve all watched New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside before we’ve even hit February. No more! This is the yea...

What Time of Day Is Best to Workout?

There is an age-old debate over which time of day is the best for training — morning, afternoon, or night?  What's th...

Top 10 New Year Fitness Quotes

It’s easy to make New Year fitness goals. But after the ball drops, what’s going to motivate you to stick to your res...
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