Top 10 New Year Fitness Quotes

It’s easy to make New Year fitness goals. But after the ball drops, what’s going to motivate you to stick to your resolutions?

fitness motivation quotes attitude goals ideas success support performance

Getting up every morning and hitting that treadmill or elliptical takes dedication. To help you stick with your New Year’s fitness plan, we’ve compiled ten of the best fitness quotes. Stick the most inspirational quotes in your home gym or keep them on your phone—wherever they need to be to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions.

#1: “Only I Can Change My Life. No One Can Do It for Me.”—Carol Burnett

Change is difficult. It’s easy to become stuck in old habits; if you’ve always found excuses to skip exercising, your brain will continue to find ways to avoid hitting the gym. But change is possible as long as you put in the hard work necessary. The difference between folks that succeed and folks that don’t isn’t opportunity or luck: it’s determination and willpower, which come from within.

#2: “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”—Confucius

Personal excellence doesn’t come from comparing yourself to people on Instagram. It’s striving to be the best version of yourself that you can be. As you’re running on a treadmill or lifting that barbell, it’s important not to obsess about your dream body. Instead, focus on going further than you’ve ever gone. Push yourself harder than you’ve ever been pushed. Commit to being better than you were yesterday.

#3: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.”—Robert Collier

One of the biggest roadblocks to success is frustration with not finding instant results. Success doesn’t come overnight. It only comes when you have the persistence and drive to fight for it every day.

#4: “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”—Pablo Picasso

“I’ll do it tomorrow” is the mantra of the unsuccessful athlete. If you’re truly dedicated to your fitness goals, then show up when you say you’re going to. Commit to your New Year’s fitness plan.

#5: “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”—Bruce Lee

There’s a misconception that to be excellent, you must be born excellent. The truth is that anyone can achieve success. No matter how average you believe you are, focusing on your goal and working toward it every day will make you excellent. 

#6: “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”—Michael Jordan

If you expect yourself to fail, you will. That’s why it’s important to set resolutions for yourself and—most importantly—expect yourself to reach them. That’s the only way you’re going to become great in 2020.

#7: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”—Confucius

There’s a reason the Couch to 5K program has had so much success. When you’ve never worked out before, you’re bound to start off slowly. That’s okay! Remind yourself that walking on the treadmill beats snoozing on the couch. All you have to do is keep showing up. 

#8: “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”—Jim Ryun

It’s a myth that athletes who show up every day want to show up every day. Just as there are days when you don’t feel like going to work, there will be days when you don’t feel like hitting the gym. In those moments, what will get you through is the habit of going every single day without fail. That’s why it’s crucial to begin your New Year by getting in the habit of exercising.

#9: “People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.”—Dale Carnegie

Even if you hate fitness, you have to find a way to make it fun. Consider the parts of your home workout routine that you enjoy. Maybe you have time to listen to the audiobook the kids won’t let you play in the car. Maybe you can watch that guilty pleasure show on the TV you put above the treadmill in your home gym. Whatever it is, find the fun in your workout to keep you coming back.

#10: “What Hurts Today Makes You Stronger Tomorrow.”—Jay Cutler

It’s no secret that some pain is necessary to achieve success. Savor that burn that comes when you push yourself further than you’ve ever pushed before. Know that the pain isn’t a sign to give up, but instead fire that will fuel a better you.

Wrapping Up

Staying motivated is hard. But we believe in your ability to achieve your 2021 New Year’s fitness resolutions. Keep these motivational quotes in mind. Use them when it becomes difficult to power through. If you follow these quotes, we know you’ll find fitness success by the end of the year.


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  • Hello Livefit Team,

    Thank you for posting such useful content.

    I liked all of your quotes.

    However, I like the following quote the most:


    Keep posting such useful content in the coming days.

  • Great article. Set up realistic goals and you will stay motivated to exercise.


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