Jobs That Help You Reach Fitness Goals

Do you consider yourself a fitness enthusiast? Do you get energized just thinking about your daily workout or being able to help others with their fitness goals? Are the components of a healthy lifestyle important to you?

If you answered yes to those questions, then a career that helps you reach your fitness goals and do the things you’re passionate about can be incredibly fulfilling. Your goals don’t have to be about yourself. Passing the benefits of fitness onto others is often half the fun in creating goals.

Obviously, if you are looking for the best jobs in the fitness industry, start with inquiring with your local G&G store or our commercial division

There are some other obvious options when it comes to fitness-related jobs. You could be a personal trainer, work at a gym, or teach a fitness class. But, there are other career paths that you may not have considered before that can help you reach your fitness goals while making a living.

What are some of those jobs, and how can you get one?

What Are Your Fitness Career Goals?

Before you decide on the best job for you, it’s important to first think about what your fitness goals really are. Your goals don’t just have to be about losing weight or toning up. Maybe you want to promote body positivity or work with girls and young women to get healthy and fit. One study has found that at age 13, 53% of girls in the U.S. are unhappy with their body image. A fitness career that promotes positivity can make a drastic change for so many girls and women.

Or, maybe your goals are to help those who have a hard time staying fit, like seniors or those with mobility issues. Older individuals should lead as healthy and active a lifestyle as possible to reduce the risk of conditions like:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Certain cancers
  • High blood pressure

Even if your fitness goals are strictly personal, you should define them before you decide which type of career you want, and how that career can help you to achieve them.

best fitness jobs

What Are the Best Jobs for Fitness Enthusiasts?

If you are truly passionate about fitness, you can go far beyond personal training or working at the gym. Some of the best careers that will allow you to be active, reach your goals, and help others include:

  • Nutritionist
  • Physical therapist
  • Referee
  • Lifeguard
  • Sports coach
  • Massage therapist

Remember, fitness is about more than just working out. It’s about staying fit both mentally and physically, and that requires lifestyle changes. If that is where you see yourself, especially when it comes to helping others, there are plenty of career opportunities to consider without having to spend hours in a gym every day.

If you can’t decide on which career is best for you, think about the areas of fitness in which you’re truly talented. Or, which areas you like the best. We’ll talk a bit more about the training and education you should strive for below. But, if all of this is starting based on your passion, then stick with that passion and do the things you love to do when it comes to fitness.

How to Land Your Dream Fitness Job

If you want to work in the fitness industry in any capacity, you have to make sure you have the right skills, education, and training. It’s not enough to simply be passionate about fitness and health. If you’re serious about a job that helps you reach fitness goals, it’s important to put in the work.

An exercise science degree is a great place to start. It can give you the knowledge and skills necessary to:

  • Help athletes improve their performance
  • Help workers reduce injuries on the job
  • Support a quicker recovery time for injured patients
  • Helping others to adopt healthy habits

Other degrees or certifications associated with the fitness industry include:

  • Athletic training B.S.
  • Nutrition science B.S.
  • Pre-diabetics
  • Pre-health

Even to be a personal trainer, some type of degree is helpful, and a national certification is required. Most people who work toward some type of health and fitness degree have an underlying desire to help others, whether they’re struggling with a pre-existing condition, like dementia, or they just want to get in shape for the first time in their lives. Consider your fitness passions when you decide on the type of certification that will fit your needs.

Once you have that certification, landing a job will be much easier if you’ve got a solid resume to show off your skills. Your resume should be up-to-date, concise, easy to read, and prominently feature your skills to get noticed by potential employers or clients.

If you have fitness goals in mind for yourself or others, the job of your dreams is out there. Take the extra time to train, go to school, and get certified when necessary. If you do, you’ll stand out over others in your field, and find longevity in the fitness industry.

Career Opportunities, Job Openings, Work at G&G Fitness Equipment

Are you ready for a rewarding career?

Do you enjoy helping others?

Are you passionate about fitness?  

G&G Fitness Equipment is not only the largest and most knowledgeable fitness equipment retailer in all of the areas we serve; we are also the largest and most trusted commercial equipment dealer.

We currently have positions available.

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Request a free consultation here.

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